Brahma Ji is not worshipped much because of a curse pronounced by Shiv Ji. Legend has it that once Brahma Ji was annoyed with Vishnu Ji when he addressed him as a small child whereas, Brahma Ji considered himself senior as creator of the universe. As a result , a fierce fight ensued between the two. Suddenly, a column of fire appeared, of which , neither end could be seen. Both of them agreed to investigate the terminal points of this wonderful column, one terminal point to be investigated by each. While Vishnu Ji set out in the form of a boar, Brahma Ji manifested himself in the form of a swan. Having failed to find the ends of the column, both returned. At this pont in time, SHiv Ji appeared from the column, surrounded by several gods, causing relief to both Vishnu Ji and Brahma Ji. As a matter of ego, Brahma Ji falsely declared that he has seen one end of the column and, as voucher to his statement, displayed a flower of Ketaki which he had picked up from there, All this while, Vishnu Ji remained truthful about his failure to locate the other end of the column. Brahma Ji’s falsehood infuriated Shiv Ji who cursed him that in future, Brahma Ji will not be worshipped. Shiv Ji also clarified that in the trinity of Brahma Ji –Vishnu Ji- Mahesh Ji (Shiv ji’s another name), each one was important as the other, each one being equally signigicant for the existence, governance and protection of the universe. It may be interesting to note here that Ketaki flower is never offered in Shiv Ji’s worship.
Born from embryo which took shape in Vishnu Ji’s mind when he began to think of creating universe and appeared on the lotus emanating from the navel of Vishnu Ji.
Brahma Ji has a definite age and gets dissolved into Vishnu Ji, to reappear repeatedly to create the universe a new in the rhythmic process of cycle.
Omnipresent, but his favoured abode is the fabled Brahma-lok.
Active creator of the universe, After destruction of one universe when another new universe is to be created, Brahma Ji appears on the Lotus springing from the navel of Vishnu Ji and creates of New World, pronouncing Om. Such a new world remains in existence for one day of Brahma Hi (equivalent to about 4320 million man years).
Brahma Ji receives little attention during currency of a world because, having played his role, he goes to sleep and ceases to function actively. Brahma Ji is in any case, unpopular because he is known to be careless in granting boons to demons unguardedly. Particularly to demons like Hiranyakahiup and Ravan, necessiatating Vishnu Ji to intervene and appear in different incarnations to kill these demons. For this reason, Hindus began to think of Brahma Ji as the sole god of worship for demons.
· Prajapati
· Kinjaja
· Ashtakarna
· Chaturnan/chaturmukh
· Nabhija
Normally shown as having four heads & four arms holding lotus flower, spectre bow, string of beads bowl & Vedas, dressed in white having red skin. Usually shown old and bearded, riding his vehicle swan (hans) or squaring on lotus.
· Pushkar Lake Temple (Ajmer, Rajasthan)
· Temple in Dera (Kullu, HP)
Not worhsipped much, except at the above temples specifically during Baisakh& Sawan. In many places in HP, devotees place a black stone under banyan trees and worship it as Brahma Ji’s image.
Myth has it that originally Brahma Ji had only one head. From his body, he created a very beautiful woman Shatrupa, also called Saraswati/ Brahma Ji fell in love with her and kept looking at her. She felt shy and started moving in different directions to escape Brahma Ji’s gaze, For convenience sake, Brahma Ji, developed 5 heads, including one at top. The fifth head at top was later cut off by Shiv ji, once when Brahma Ji talked disrespectfully to him.
· 6 of the 18 Puranas are addressed Brahma Ji.
· From the union of Brahma Ji & shatrupa, came Manu, the progenitor of mankind.
· Brahma Ji’s name should not be confused with Brahm, the supreme soul or the Absolute.
· Brahma Ji is credited with creation of demons from his thighs, gods from his mouth, sub-human species & other animates and inanimate from his sides and humans from his body.
· Brahma Ji is the most obscure and outmoded god in the Hindu Pantheon, inspite of beings the first member of the most exhalted supreme trinity of Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh(Shiv) and being the creator of the world. Cumulative effect of several negative deeds on part of Brahma Ji, including the one of his falsehood (described in the opening passage), his incest toward Shatrupa and more importantly, his wanton grant of boons to demons, resulted in cessation of his worship.
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